Epigenetics Coaching

What does epigenetics coaching look like?

So glad you asked!! To do the coaching we need your DNA. We can use your 23andMe DNA or we can use our own genetic test. Our test, through Apeiron Zoh (Ah-pure-on Zoi), is miles above the 23andMe test and here are some reasons why.

  1.  We do not sell your DNA to anyone. We use a barcode to match your DNA to you and then we delete your DNA forever off the server after 3 months. We hold it for 3 months just in case the DNA needs to be re-run for any reason.
  2. 23andMe is mostly looking at ancestry DNA. Their main focus is not health and they have taken away several SNPs (genetic variations) that we look at for health. We test for 760,000 SNPs and they only test for 600,000 SNPs. (For reference, there are 10 million SNPs in the human genome).
  3. Our DNA test is a swab test not a spit test. This is amazing for testing babies and young children and also, who wants to sit around spitting in a tube for 10 minutes??
  4. Our test is a little higher priced because we are not trying to aggregate data to sell. 🙂

Once we get your DNA raw data, we interpret it and create a report that you get to keep. Once the interpretation is done, we schedule time with you to go over your results and this is where we differ from direct to consumer reports: we interview you. Just because you “have” a SNP variant, does not mean you will have any positive or negative effects from it. Your lifestyle and environment play a major role in whether these genes are expressing or not. How do we know unless we ask you?

Once you are armed with your DNA interpretation, what do you do with all this new found information?? You get yourself a coach and you make changes to your life! Without a coach, you won’t know what to do, how to do it and how to see if it is working or not. People don’t usually motivate themselves to change and when they do they usually try to make too many changes too fast. Then they give up because they didn’t see any lasting changes. This is where a coach can help guide you in the right direction, give you small actionable steps to take, and track your progress. The best part: your coach can help you troubleshoot!