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Welcome to BestLife with Arielle!

(My name is pronounced air-e-ELLE)

You are probably here because you are looking for answers. I too was looking for answers when my first son was born and he suddenly had “all the issues” I had never heard of kids having when I was growing up. Yes, he got colds like all kids do, but it was one thing after the other and this was all happening as a baby and toddler. It made me go “wait a second, this is not normal” even though my doctor tried to tell me it was. First, it was the reoccurring ear infections. I hated giving my baby antibiotics. I knew it was bad for the bad bacteria and the good bacteria. It didn’t make sense to me to wipe out all his healthy gut flora for an infection in the ear. My doctor told me if we didn’t give him antibiotics his infection would go into his brain. He literally told me this. Scare tactics and fear mongering are commonly used by pediatricians these days. Then he told me he could go deaf, so I reluctantly gave the antibiotics to him. The next time he had an ear infection, I was told I had to give antibiotics again. This time, I took him to a naturopath and she gave us garlic oil to put in his ear. We also gave immune boosters like vitamin C and probiotics. It cleared up quickly and I returned to my pediatrician who verified it was gone despite not using antibiotics (and unbeknownst to him).

Later on, my son developed runny bowels. We tested for food allergies. He didn’t have any. We sent his bowel into a lab to test for viruses/bacteria and it came back normal. My pediatrician then told me he didn’t know why he was having this problem and that when they can’t figure it out they call it “nonspecific diarrhea of childhood” and hope he grows out of it. Seriously? I didn’t believe he had it for no reason and I wanted to figure out what exactly was causing this out of the blue. After all, he was just a child who was overall healthy. So we did have him tested for food sensitivities even though my ped said those tests are not scientifically proven. Well, we found out he couldn’t have milk or gluten and guess what? We eliminated those things from his diet and his diarrhea went away and so did his bloating and stomach pain. Scientifically validated or not, I didn’t give up on my child and neither should any parent.

I see so many children these days with so many diagnoses. If you are from my generation or older, you know these things didn’t exist at the rates they do now when we were kids. Don’t let anyone tell you that these kids are just getting diagnosed better, it’s not possible. These kids were not walking around undiagnosed. These ailments did not exist in this magnitude. And it is not genetics, it is environmental. Genes cannot change that quickly and be inherited. This is how we know it is something we are doing or not doing in our environment. This is the epigenetics. This is why I do what I do.

Just like all moms I know, I am a mom who wants what is best for her children. I want them to be the healthiest they can be even when it feels like nothing is working in their favor. I will not stop until I find answers. It is not an easy road to travel and it can feel never-ending, but I am here to tell you it is doable and it is possible. We can help our children live healthy, full lives. We can help them live their best lives.

In best health,

Arielle Unger

Certified Apeiron Epigenetics Coach

PS- The usual “About Me”: I am a married mom of 3 boys. I like being outside, enjoying nature, gardening (even if I don’t know what I am doing!), trees (we planted 7 fruit trees in our backyard!), spending time with my kids and husband, showing my kids the world, adventures, camping, the beach, cooking, eating well, and being active. I especially love nutrition, all things natural and organic, and researching.

Legal notice: I am not a doctor. I am not diagnosing, treating or preventing anything. Any advice I give on this website is based on my experience and is not medical advice for you or your child. You make those decisions. Ask your doctor.

Formal Fancy Bio

Ms. Arielle Unger has been passionate about nutrition since she was a young child, but found herself as a young adult wanting to help children through psychology first and foremost. After graduating from college summa cum laude with a degree in Psychology, her career path went in a gratifying direction, although absent of utilizing her specific degree. Upon having children, Ms. Unger realized her passion of optimizing health -from a systems approach- as she dealt with her own children’s health issues from the very common to the more advanced concerns. Her first son had food sensitivities as well as some other concerns as a young baby. Ms. Unger began avidly researching to both understand the root issues – to eventually researching in the area of healing. The tenacity in her research led her down many paths of health over the years, but found she always resonated in the more holistic approaches, eventually finding nutrigenomics and epigenetics, or the importance of individualized care based on both genetics and environmental factors. After years of working in a career that allowed her flexibility to stay at home with her children, but didn’t feed her passion, Ms. Unger made the leap to a new path in Epigenetics coaching. Today, as a certified Epigenetics coach, Ms. Unger has the honor and privilege of working with people in all different stages of life – but specializes in coming alongside mothers who want to optimize their health, and their children’s. Being a mom who has walked this path herself, Ms. Unger has an advantage of perspective and understanding. Let her help you and your family reach optimal health today!!